Blue and White Group law popularization lecture hall

Release date:2020-06-08 Page View:1984

Law, so xing Gong fear violence also; Law, so set division stop contention also; Make, so people governor also. 

Adhere to the "law on the top, teaching in the bottom", vigorously promote the opening of the "Legal knowledge Lecture Hall" at 1:00 PM on June 4 in the large conference room on the first floor of the headquarters. The Group invited Ma Lin, a new lawyer from Liaoning Ruihui Law Firm, to train some management personnel on laws and regulations such as Labor Law, Labor Contract Law, Production Safety Law and Contract Law.


After the training, we compare the learning record, contact the actual work, feel that in the legal system construction, they do have a lot of need to learn and improve the aspects, the previous legal provisions only from the surface understanding, labor law awareness is weak, contract law concept is vague, safety law understanding is insufficient and other problems are widespread. Through this training, the group management team benefited a lot, so that managers further improve the legal awareness, enhance the legal concept, and enrich the legal literacy. Fully understand the significance of the study of law usage. Everyone has said that the company should vigorously carry out such publicity, strengthen the construction of publicity positions, often carry out legal knowledge training, and hold discussions and discussions to train employees in legal knowledge, and let employees understand the importance and inevitability of knowing the law and understanding the law through training.


Stone to whetstone how, dull for profit; Law to whipp how, the foolish into wisdom ", to the legal system to govern, can be foolish into wisdom, to train talented people, the study and training of laws and regulations for managers to improve management level, improve legal awareness, enhance their own connotation has a certain significance. Training employees hope to show excellent legal literacy in life and work in the future, and become high-quality and high-content managers in the new era of modern enterprises.


Tao is always, law is based, blue and white with law, and green mountains and green water development together!