Magnesia is the essential raw material for basic bricks and magnesia monolithic refractories. Different grades or magnesia can be made based on different mineral qualities and production technology. Qinghua group owns large-scale and high quality magnesite quarries, which ensures the consistent high quality of the magnesia it produces.
Sintered magnesia QMS-90,QMS-91
So-called dead burned magnesia is made from magnetite in shaft Kilns under high temperature. The MgO content is typically between 90-93%. It is the raw material for low-grade magnesia bricks and monolithic refractories.
Sintered magnesia QMS-95
So-called medium-grade magnesia is made from first-class magnesite through the processes of calcining, grinding, briquetting and sintering in shaft kilns under high temperature. The MgO content in it is over 94.59% and the impurity content is low. It is the raw material for mid-grade magnesia bricks and monolithic refractories.
Sintered magnesia QMS-97
So-called high-grade magnesia is made from super-grade magnesite through the process of calcining, grinding, briquetting and sintering in shaft kilns under ultra high temperature. It has low impurity. Periclase crystals are directly bonded and the structure is dense. It is an ideal raw material for high-grade basic bricks.
Fused magnesia QDMS-96, QDMS-97, QDMS-98
It is made from super-grade magnesite or caustic calcined magnesia by fusing in electric arc furnaces under high temperature. It has large periclase crystals, dense structure and high temperature volume stability. It is good material for high-grade basic bricks and carbon containing refractories.
Fused magnesia-chrome clinker QDMGeS-20, QDMGeS-36
It is made from high purity caustic calcined magnesia and high quality chrome concentrates by fusing in electric arc furnaces under high temperature. Periclase crystals in it are large, so intracrystaline spinels MK, MF are precipitated from periclase crystals, and intergranular spinels MA, MF are formed between periclase crystals. Its main crystal phases are well direct bonded with each other and it has dense structures. It is high quality raw material for semi-rebonded magnesia chrome bricks and fused rebonded magnesia chrome bricks.
Magnesia-ferrite spinel clinker QMF-91
It is made from high iron magnesite and through calcining, grinding, briquetting and sintering in shaft kilns under high temperature. Under high temperature Fe2O3 of magnesia is dissolved in periclase, and during cooling MF is precipitated from periclase crystals, which is distributed inside periclase crystals in the shape of snowflakes.
QMF-91 has low impurity and high bulk density. It is an ideal raw material for burning zones of dry-process cement kilns.
*Datasheet could be provided by request.